Fifty Shades of Roxie Brown by Lynda Renham

Book Description: Roxie Brown loves erotica and her friend, Sylvie, loves crime... novels of course. On a girls' night out they meet The Great Zehilda, the tea leaf reader, and suddenly Roxie's Fifty Shades fantasies about her millionaire boss, Ark Morgan, look about to become a reality. But then she looks through the telescope and her life us turned upside down. Roxie and Sylvie, with help from Sylvie's flatmate, Felix, set out to crack the case. Can Ark Morgan save her or is he the man she should be running from? Then enter Sam Lockwood and her heart is shot with another arrow. Come with Roxie Brown on her hilarious crime-busting romantic adventure and discover if the love of her life is the man of her dreams or if the man she loves is her worst nightmare. My Review: First off I want to thank Lynda for sending me a copy of another fantastic book to review - you never disappoint! This is such an entertaining rom com that had me laughing out loud with ever...