A Night on the Orient Express by Veronica Henry
Dear Readers, Just finished reading this wonderful book, couldn't put it down, finished it in one sitting. Veronica Henry has a new fan! Welcome on board the Orient Express! The famous Orient Express offers mystery and romance, it is the trip of a lifetime. What better way to travel to Venice! Each passenger has their own story to tell and a reason for being there. As the train travels from London to Venice, there will be revelations, drama and unforeseen gestures of love in all its forms. At the beginning of the novel there are many different characters that are introduced. Normally I do not like so many characters in a novel but this works, you get so drawn into their lives. Veronica Henry tells four different stories of individuals and families who have their own reasons for travelling in style to Venice. Imogen is heading to Venice to collect a painting for her grandmother but there is a surprise in store for her. Stephanie is travelling with...